Alternative Finance
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Crowdlending is an alternative finance model that allows companies to obtain funds directly from private investors in exchange for a competitive interest rate and without the intermediation of traditional financial entities.
Alternative Finance

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Why Crowdlending has become so popular?

According to the most recent Report about “Access of SME’s to financial services”, published by the Central Bank of Costa Rica, "Elements related to the characteristics of the credit supply such as procedures, time of resolution and financing conditions”, are among the reasons mentioned by 44% of SMEs for not requesting financing, at least in traditional financial entities. While 6% already has applied for credit outside the traditional financial system. (
If you are a project promoter or an entrepreneur raising funds for an SME or a "Start Up", surely you have already realized that the traditional banking system is far from being a good choice.
The truth is that traditional banking have a deficient credit system, with high operational costs and little flexibility. This restricts businesses finance capabilities and limits their growth.
According to the most recent Report on the Access of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Productive Units to Financial Services, published by the Central Bank of Costa Rica, it states that "Elements related to the characteristics of the credit offer such as procedures, resolution time, and financing conditions" are among the reasons mentioned by 44% of SMEs for not applying for financing, at least with traditional financial institutions. Meanwhile, 6% already access financing outside the traditional financial system.


Crowdlending allows businesses to obtain flexible loans fast and at lower interest rates.

Advantages for debtors

Apply for credit in 3 simple steps

Sing up for free and request a credit to develop your business in just 15 minutes
Within 48 hours our team of experts will analyze your request and give you an answer. If approved, later it will be published in our Marketplace.
The funds will be deposited directly into your account.

Why finance your business with us?

We are a group of financial advisors with more than 30 years of experience in the banking and finance industry, specialized in the growing collaborative finance sector. But honestly all this experience means nothing, without principles and strict work ethic. That’s why we are guided by a series of values that confer meaning to our work.
While we want to give our investors the best returns on the market, our primary goal is to preserve their capital through careful risk analysis and management.
We are aware that to acquire and retain customers we must provide the best level of service at all times. Unlike traditional financial institutions, we understand that our clients are people, not numbers or statistics.
We want to revolutionize the savings and credit sectors through the development of an online financing market with the most advanced technology for the benefit of our investor clients and credit applicants.
Value proposition
We are committed to reduce the costs of financial intermediation offering a more affordable financing for companies and a more attractive return for our investors.
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